Erin Dolin
executive vice president

Erin is a master at bringing clients’ brands to life with a powerful combination of communications strategy and succinct, powerful storytelling. Erin is a seasoned professional in all areas of public relations and marketing including media relations, corporate communications, messaging, copywriting, social media management, content marketing, grassroots outreach, crisis mitigation and research.
As a former journalist, Erin’s newsroom mentality allows her to create content for clients that makes an impact, lead media campaigns that shape public opinion, execute awards and speaking programs that elevate executive visibility, participate in public affairs campaigns, support IPOs and more.
Erin oversees operations and staffing in addition to directing several accounts. She takes a thoughtful approach to client service and counsel, while serving as a business partner to her clients and the firm.
Read Erin’s “Meet the Team” Questionnaire
Meet Erin Dolin, co-founder and Vice President of The Fletcher Group. Erin has been with the company since the beginning (15 years). She’s worked in PR/marketing for 18 years, following a brief stint as a journalist.
Erin is based in Erie, Colorado – a small-town community neighbor of Boulder, “right at the doorstep of the Rockies.”
What’s your favorite thing about working at TFG?
Our team is second to none. We work hard, have fun doing it, and take care of each other. We’re spread out across the continent with incredibly varied lives and interests, but we come together to make this fantastic work a reality. Also, we work with fascinating clients who are shaping their industries and who are just good people. I love coming to work every day.
What are your home office essentials?
(*Looks around*) To-do list, Macbook plugged into an extra-large computer monitor, lip gloss for video meetings, coffee and water, a healthy stock of my favorite pens pilfered from my bank, dogs, houseplants, a window with a view.
What is one fun fact about you?
I am destined to be surrounded by boys. I have six brothers (including some step and half-brothers) and now I am married with three sons.
Do you get involved in community or social causes outside of work?
Advocacy work is a big part of my life. Two organizations I’d love to highlight: The National Pediatric Cancer Foundation, which funds research to eliminate childhood cancer, with a focus on less toxic, more effective treatments. We must find safer alternatives to chemotherapy and radiation for kiddos fighting cancer. Also, Food Allergy Research and Education (FARE), a non-profit dedicated to food allergy awareness, research, education, and advocacy. Food allergies now impact 1 in 13 children. Eating freely, without fear, is something many of us take for granted.
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